10 Tips To Grow Your Instagram Account Organically!

If you’re looking to grow your Instagram Account organically here are some points to consider that will actually work for you.

Jehoyakim Jena
10 min readNov 19, 2020
10 Tips To Grow Your Instagram Account Organically! Use Kicksta If You Don’t Have Time To Grow Your Instagram Account.

1. Create Content Targeting Your Target Audience.

In order to grow your Instagram account, you need content. Content that will be geared towards your Niche and Target Audience. Any other type of content that you create will confuse your audience.

Content creation is the first step to building your Instagram account organically.

What types of content should you create depends on the objective you have. But the types of content format can be:

  • Single Image Post.
  • Carousel Image Post.
  • Single Video Post.
  • IGTV Video Post.
  • Promotional Post (Both Image & Video).
  • Offer Image Post / Offer Video.

So you can use Canva.com to create content for all your social media needs. You can take photographs of the products/services/yourself/your business, etc, and use the templates that are available inside Canva.com to style them beautifully.

Once you download them you can use them again and again for various needs that you may have. Make sure to plan out content for the entire month so you don’t run out of Ideas. Having a theme in mind always helps you go a long way!

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Now back to the article.

2. Use Intrigue & Curiosity In Your Posts.

One thing you need to learn to do in your marketing is to create content that has a bit of Intrigue or Curiosity. Intrigue & Curiosity is what make us stick around for longer.

That’s how all the TV Shows and movies that are successful have people latching onto it for so long. They follow a proven framework to keep their audiences interested in what they’re producing for them.

In a nutshell, if you can introduce a bit of curiosity and Intrigue into your posts, you’ll be able to get people to stop scrolling and read your posts.

Just like Advertisements have great headlines that make us stop and read them, use headlines that will stop people on Instagram to read them.

If you need to see how Advertisements were “a thing”, you need to check out the “Mad Men” TV series on Amazon Prime Video. Even though it’s one of the famous and entertaining TV shows out there, You’ll learn what they did to keep their Ad Agency running during troubling times and what they had to do to keep coming up with successful and winning advertisements.

Each Instagram post is like an Ad but it offers value to your end consumer. Make sure you know the outcome of each post.

Your checklists are:

  • Does this post offer value?
  • Does this post have some kind of intrigue for my target audience?
  • Does this post have a component of curiosity in it?
  • What is the outcome I’m trying to achieve with this Instagram post?

If you can answer the above post, you’ll have done a better job than the rest of the people who simply post on Instagram without a definite objective.

3. Incorporate Story Telling Every Now & Then.

Stories are powerful ways that make people remember you. Stories are what will make them keep coming back for more.

Start incorporating stories into your posts whenever you post on Instagram or any other social media platform. You can talk about how you started something, what you learned, the experiences you’ve had to go through, why you started something, your pains & struggles, etc.

Stories are what make you relatable on a human level. So start telling stories.

I recently learned that a good story should have these 3 components. (From a dating coach named — Todd Valentine)

  • Situation.
  • Interruption.
  • Change.

All these things you can learn if you try to listen carefully to comedians or watch some improv comedy sets.

You can use storytelling when you meet new people also, that’s how they’ll more likely remember you when compared to you just meeting them and saying “Hello!”.

4. Show The Person Behind The Brand. (You Can Use IG Stories To Express Yourself or Even Promote/Sell).

Most brands who are posting content on their Instagram accounts don’t reveal the person behind the account. If you are the owner of that page or the one managing the account, once in a while you can go out there and take video footage of the business, and upload them to IG stories.

That’s how they get connected to your business for real.

Once they get to connect with the person behind the brand, they’re more likely to buy or even cross-promote your brand on their stories or mention it to others.

If you’re an influencer, you’re most probably documenting your daily lives on IG story, you are also taking up the opportunity to promote your products and services. But if you’re not using IG Stories at all, you should start creating short videos and promoting yourself and what you do.

Ideally once in a while, you can promote your products and services. Offer value before you pitch any product or service to your audience.

For many new Instagram accounts that are under 10K followers, they were successful in growing their business by creating niche content and using IG stories to add value to their Ideal Target Customers and then promoting their products or services.

5. Add Value, Educate, Entertain & Engage With Your Audience.

You should always place “Value” at the forefront of your business/brand.

Adding value to your audience can be of different kinds. It can be in the form of educating them, entertaining them, documenting your journey, teaching them something new you’ve learned that day, interviewing someone else, just going live and answering your audiences’ questions, etc.

When you post on your feed, make sure there is some value that your post brings to your audience. Whether it’s an image post or a video post, make sure there’s something of value for your audience.

Make sure you start adding value and building on it. If you start stacking value in every post, you’ll grow your audience faster and you’ll also get discovered for being an expert or whatever your page is trying to accomplish.

You might have heard of Gary Vee’s $1.80 Instagram Strategy — It’s basically leaving valuable comments on the posts on the top 9 posts on a particular hashtag or community. And over the span of a year, you’ll get discovered and you’ll be able to grow your Instagram accounts.

If you spend some time dropping value or engaging on their posts, you’ll more likely get a ton of followers. This is because you are taking time out of your day and dropping a comment on someone else’s posts and they’ll be wondering who has commented, and they’ll want to check back on you.

Now if your posts are offering value and they are curated properly in a sequence of niche advice or showcases value in any form, they will follow your page.

Remember this shortcut — Add VEEE (Add Value, Educate, Entertain & Engage).

6. Before You Pitch Any Product, Follow The Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook Strategy. (What this means is you provide Value, Value, Value & then Ask For The Sale).

As I’ve mentioned earlier that adding value should be at the forefront of your brand, always make sure that you’re adding value in your posts.

Do not think about pitching anything or promoting anything on Instagram without adding value. This is where the Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook Strategy comes into play. This concept was first mentioned by Gary Vaynerchuk where he mentioned you must first add value to your audience and then ask them.

“Jab” & “Hook” are all boxing terminologies. So when you replace “Jab” with “Value” and “Hook” with “Ask”, you’ll get your formula for selling anything to anyone in today’s day and age on social media.

“Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” becomes “Value, Value, Value, Ask”.

Your posts on all your Instagram feeds or stories should be the same. Offer value first and then go for the ask. It’s okay if they don’t buy from you the first time. When you offer a significant amount of value for your audience who watch your IG stories or like/comment on your posts, they’ll be obligated to buy what you’re recommending when you’ve stacked your value equity for them over time.

7. Use Hashtags To Reach More People In Your Target Audience.

Hashtags are a way to get your posts discovered. Whenever you post on Instagram, you should be using hashtags to get your posts indexed into their algorithms.

It’s like SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Some Instagram Experts say you must use hashtags that are in the lower range to where your account stands on the follower & engagement level. What that means is, if you have an account with a smaller following, you’ll probably want to use hashtags that have lesser posts indexed into it.

It’s like SEO where you’re trying to rank for keywords that have relatively low competition. That’s how you can start getting your posts noticed when someone searches those hashtags. Competing with a high competition hashtag is gonna be tough to get your posts out there reaching more people.

As you probably know by now that only about 10% of your followers see your posts organically, why not use hashtags to get it seen by even more people that way you’ve increased your chances of getting your posts.

Top that with Instagram stories and you’ve done a great job squeezing the attention of your audience and directing it to your posts or your offers. You can also use hashtags in your stories to get it seen by more people.

By leveraging Instagram story hashtags and feed posts hashtags, you’ve done the job of getting your content discovered by more and more people. Do it consistently and you’ve crushed it on Instagram.

8. Make To Build Your Email List By Providing Call-To-Action in your posts.

Your posts on Instagram should have CTA’s (CTA stands for Call To Action).

Whenever you are posting content, make sure to include a call to action at the end of it. Call to action drives Instagram growth for your account.

Some popular Call’s To Action are:

  • “Let me know what your thoughts are on this X topic”.
  • “Share with me in the comments below what is your main takeaway from this post/video”.
  • “What are you struggling with on X topic? Let me know in the comments below”.
  • “Follow my account and turn on post notifications so you can get notified every time I post”.
  • “Follow X account if you like this product.”
  • “Share this post on your Instagram Story so that I can repost it on mine”.

I hope you got the idea of using Calls To Action. There should one action per post. It can be to drive engagement like “comment below”, or follow X Instagram account to drive “Account Follower Growth”.

When your posts get a ton of engagement, they tend to it the explore pages. See what strategies work out for your Instagram account.

9. Make Sure To Comment On Top Influencer’s Posts To Get Discovered.

Since you are trying hard to grow your Instagram account, you need to get discovered. If you get discovered, it can lead to a lot of things for you; the growth of your brand, and your business.

And one way you can get your posts seen by a lot of people is to comment and engage on top influencer’s posts.

Every time they post on their feed, make sure to go over and drop a valuable nugget on their posts, then you can also scroll and engage with their followers. This will help you get discovered and you’ll be able to attract your ideal dream customers to your page.

Doing this requires being able to identify the timing’s when they post and being able to engage with their posts early on. This will make sure you get seen as you engage with their followers.

Do this and you’ll see a ton of messages from people who are interested in what you’re doing. This is a great way you can acquire clients and customers.

Sometimes some big influencers would just drop a post for people to network and collaborate. This is a fantastic opportunity to get more business coming in for yourself and your brand. If you keep an eye out for such stuff, you’ll be able to grow your business on such moments of leverage.

10. Plan Out Your Content & Schedule Them For Consistency.

The most common reason why Instagram accounts don’t grow is Inconsistency. Consistency has been the biggest factor in determining the success of any brand or business.

Treat your account like a brand and a business. A business will fail just because of a lack of effort or Inconsistency. When things lose momentum, it becomes harder to gain traction to find success.

When you stay consistent with a posting schedule, you’ll experience the snowball effect where your posts are getting more and more reach leading more and more business (income).

In order to maintain consistency, you’ll need to post everyday, which means you’ll need to post a minimum of 3 times — Morning, Afternoon & Evening.

Morning — Right before people get to work.

Afternoon — Right when they’re heading out for lunch.

Evening — Right when they leave work to head home.

This way you’ll always be on top of their minds and also boost engagement to keep your account healthy.

But to do all of this you need to have a schedule in place with content ready to go out during these times of the day.

Like I said earlier if you can take time out of your day during the week and create 30 to 90 pieces of content for the month (3 pieces a day) you’ll have content for the entire month. Canva.com can help you with it, but if you don’t have time to do it all you can use Kicksta — The #1 tool recommended by Influencers that will do all the work for you.

All in all, if you want to grow your Instagram account, you’ve got to put in the work or get the work done by experts who can help you with your account growth.

Recommended Tool: Kicksta — The #1 Recommended Tool To Grow Your Instagram Account. Click here to learn more.

This tool is also being recommended by Big Influencers like Jeff Bullas and the others.

Courses, Ebooks & Mentorship: Click here — Online Hustler’s Academy!

Disclaimer: Some of the links mentioned in the post maybe affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products and services that will help you or serve you.



Jehoyakim Jena

🎓 Master Freelancing, Affiliate Marketing, Amazon KDP, Content Creation, Social Media & A.I. https://jehoyakimjena.gumroad.com/