Case Study: How This Creator Took His Instagram Reels from 148 Views to 24.4M Views

Jehoyakim Jena
5 min readJun 1, 2024

Learn how to create viral Instagram reels and make bank with a proven strategy!


In today’s digital age, achieving virality on social media platforms can seem like an insurmountable task. Yet, one creator managed to take his Instagram Reels from a modest 148 views to a staggering 24.4 million views. This case study explores the strategies that led to this phenomenal growth, providing actionable insights for anyone looking to replicate this success. Plus, discover a comprehensive course that can guide you step-by-step in creating viral content.

The Challenge

The creator started with a common problem: low engagement and view counts on Instagram Reels. Despite consistent posting, the reels struggled to gain traction, averaging only around 148 views. The challenge was clear — how to break through the noise and capture the attention of a vast audience.

The Strategy

After extensive research and experimentation, the creator implemented a two-step strategy that dramatically increased reel views and engagement:

Step 1: Repurpose Viral Reels

Why Repurpose Content?

Rather than spending countless hours trying to come up with entirely new content ideas, the creator decided to leverage existing content that was already proving successful. This approach saved time and tapped into proven concepts that resonated with audiences.


  1. Research Popular Reels: The creator spent time browsing Instagram to identify reels that were already going viral. Key elements such as patterns, trends, and themes were noted.
  2. Add a Unique Twist: Instead of copying these reels verbatim, the creator added a personal touch. By incorporating humor, personal stories, or unique perspectives, the content remained fresh and original while still harnessing the viral potential of the initial idea.
  3. Maintain Authenticity: Authenticity was crucial. The creator ensured that each reel stayed true to their personal brand and voice, which helped build trust and a loyal following.

Step 2: Develop a Killer Hook

The Importance of a Hook

In today’s ‘attention economy,’ capturing and holding the viewer’s attention is paramount. The creator understood that the first few seconds of a reel were critical for engagement.


  1. Start with a Bang: Each reel began with an eye-catching visual or an intriguing statement, designed to grab attention immediately.
  2. Keep It Short and Engaging: The reels were concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary fluff. This kept the audience engaged throughout the entire video.
  3. Deliver Value Quickly: Whether offering a tip, sharing a funny moment, or delivering a powerful message, the creator ensured that each reel provided immediate value to the viewer.

The Results

By repurposing viral content and crafting compelling hooks, the creator experienced exponential growth in reel views and engagement:

  • Initial Views: 148 views per reel
  • Post-Strategy Views: 24.4 million views per reel

This dramatic increase not only boosted visibility but also significantly enhanced the creator’s engagement metrics, follower count, and overall brand presence on Instagram.

Key Takeaways

  1. Repurpose What’s Working: Save time and effort by leveraging content that’s already proven successful. Add your unique twist to keep it fresh and authentic.
  2. Craft a Compelling Hook: Capture attention within the first few seconds of your reel. Keep it short, engaging, and full of value.
  3. Stay True to Your Brand: Authenticity resonates with audiences and helps build a loyal following.

Learn How to Do It Yourself

If you’re ready to take your Instagram Reels from a few hundred views to millions, consider enrolling in the “Instagram Creator Course (ULTIMATE BUNDLE)” by Karolis Piliponis. This comprehensive course has helped many creators like you scale their earnings and grow their Instagram presence exponentially.

Testimonials from 2000+ Members.

Here’s what you’ll get:

Instagram Creator Course (ULTIMATE BUNDLE)

  • Price: $297
  • Creator: Karolis Piliponis
  • Ratings: 4.7/5 from 29 ratings

Course Highlights:

  • Instagram Creator Core Modules (Value: $1,997)
  • Full Course: Instagram Machine (Value: $997)
  • Full Course: Mindset of Creator (Value: $997)
  • Full Course: Niche Selection (Value: $1,997)
  • Full Course: Editing Secrets (Value: $997)
  • Done For You Video + Private Lesson (Value: $497)
  • Private Discord Insiders Community (Value: $297)
  • Pre-made Stock Footage (Value: $297)
  • Notion Templates (Value: $197)
  • Presets & LUTs (Value: $97)
  • Content Pays Program (Value: $1,997)
  • UGC Creator Program (Value: $997)
  • Exclusive Interviews & Q&A’s (Value: $497)
  • Affiliate Bootcamp Training (Value: $997)

Total Value: $12,170

Regular Selling Price: $997.00 USD

Your Price: $297

For just $297, you get a full step-by-step course showing you exactly how to edit content and all the secret strategies to make it go viral. This is not just a course — it’s a full blueprint to skyrocket your growth on Instagram and monetize your content creation skills.

Get instant access NOW: Watch This Video Now

Income results they’ve gotten from 2000+ Members.

For them $297 was a small investment because they all generated well over $3,357.57 easily. Is it too much for you? Because you’ll never be able to learn this otherwise. He’s giving you way more value than what you’re paying for.

Key Benefits:

  • Learn to pick a niche and grow your page.
  • Monetize your Instagram presence.
  • Submit your content for personal reviews.
  • Exclusive access to a supportive community.
  • Proven strategies that work across all niches.

Is it really worth it to try and figure out how to go viral and make money from content creation on your own? Or get yourself a proven strategy that has worked for hundreds of clients and students worldwide, saving you months or even years of time?

Click here to watch the presentation video now >>

Sign up here: Click here to enroll.


With the right strategies, taking your Instagram Reels from minimal views to millions is entirely possible. By repurposing viral content and crafting compelling hooks, you can significantly boost your visibility and engagement on the platform. And with expert guidance from the “Instagram Creator Course (ULTIMATE BUNDLE)” by Karolis Piliponis, you can accelerate your journey to social media success.

Last Chance: Enroll now and take your Instagram to Million Views + 6 Figures Per Month.

Start your journey to viral success today!

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Heads up! Some links in this case study are affiliate links, meaning I might earn a commission if you purchase through them, at no extra cost to you. I only share what I genuinely believe in. Thanks for your support!



Jehoyakim Jena

🎓 Master Freelancing, Affiliate Marketing, Amazon KDP, Content Creation, Social Media & A.I.