How I Made My First Affiliate Sale on Warrior Plus.

Jehoyakim Jena
4 min readDec 15, 2023


And how you can too.

Image of the First Affiliate Sale (By Author).

For those of you who don’t know what Affiliate Marketing is, let me tell you what is in a few simple words.

“It is the process of promoting other people’s products through your unique affiliate link to people who might be interested in it. If they make a purchase through your unique affiliate link, you’ll earn a commission on the sale generated.”

I hope this makes sense for you.

Why Is Affiliate Marketing The Easiest Business Model?

Because with affiliate marketing, you are:

  • Just finding products to promote as an affiliate.
  • No need to create your own products, create sales page, test the ads, etc.
  • The owner of the affiliate product has done all the work for you.
  • Usually the commission of affiliate products is 10–50% commissions, sometimes 90–100%.
  • If you have an audience or email list, you can generate thousands of dollars in a day with a single email.
  • Easiest for all beginners to get into and generate passive income.
  • And there are a lot of reasons..

What’s Needed to Start Affiliate Marketing?

You will need:

  • A Lead Magnet. (An Ebook).
  • An Optin-Page (To Build your email list).
  • Emails Written (Autoresponder).
  • Affiliate Products to Promote.
  • Affiliate Links to recommend to your subscribers.
  • Payment Processors like just a PayPal or Stripe Account.

Now, the reason why most people don’t make sales in affiliate marketing is because they don’t have an email list.

Let me explain:

Here’s what most people do:

  • They create content on social media platforms or any platform.
  • They directly use affiliate links (after getting access to them).
  • They may or may not get clicks.
  • This results in no or very few sales.
  • But, now you’ve lost that customer.

But having an email list, allows you to get access to the same customer who bought from you to make a repeat purchase or buy some other product he/she needs.

This will result in more sale or revenue.

How I Made My First Affiliate Sale?

I found a product on Warrior Plus, it was on Email Marketing from a 7 Figure Email Marketer.

My brother was also getting into affiliate marketing and he did not know how to write emails.

He asked me for how to write emails, but more over how to write emails that convert but also how to setup campaigns in our autoresponder that will generate 4 Figure revenue every week using affiliate marketing.

That’s when I recommended this product, and got my first affiliate sale.

That too I used email for this process.

Now, I know you many of you dream about, generating 4 figure or 5 figure affiliate commissions on your dashboard.

It is fairly easier to find affiliate products.

It is fairly easier to get your affiliate links approved from the vendor.

But it very hard to create an eBook.

And, extremely hard to write emails that convert but also generate affiliate sales in your dashboard.

That’s why I’m recommending you to grab $5 Secret Email System just like I have bought and learnt a lot from it.

In fact I got bonuses worth $1600+ for free along with it.

The 7-Figure Creator of the Product has given 1000+ Email templates to copy and paste into your autoresponder.

If you just include your affiliate link inside all 1000 emails, imagine if you promote a $50 commission product, even if 500 people buy, you can make $25,000 in commissions easily a month.

You’ll also learn how to get buyers in your email list every single month…

So now your email list will go from 500 to 1000, 1000 to 3000, 3000 to 5000.

This automatically will increase your revenue.

Now whether you choose affiliate marketing or not, you will learn how to write emails that convert, captures the attention, address people’s skepticism and generate revenue after building trust.

Do you know how hard it becomes to write emails every single day?

What if you got everything written down for you? All you had to do is — Cop, Paste them in your email autoresponder and add your affiliate links and set it up as an email campaign.

So whenever anyone signs up, this email campaign fires up and you’ll be making 4 figure or 5 figure weekly affiliate commissions like my friend here did after following the $5 Secret Email System.

My Friend’s Results After Following the system:

So, if you too want to get similar results, get this Secret Email System and learn the secrets you don’t know!

I also learned something extra from this course:

How to Make $100/Day Using Email List.

How to Make $1000/Day Online Using Your Business.

Hope you take action, get results faster in just 3–4 weeks timeframe!

Free Ebook: Beginners Guide to Affiliate Marketing (Download Now)

Free Email Autoresponder: Click here to get your FREE Account.

Free Business Automation Software: Click here to get your FREE Account.

To Your Success,

Jehoyakim Jena.



Jehoyakim Jena

🎓 Master Freelancing, Affiliate Marketing, Amazon KDP, Content Creation, Social Media & A.I.