Unveiling the Mindset of a Hustler: Decoding the Secrets to Success.

Jehoyakim Jena
4 min readNov 22, 2023


Photo by Michael Dagonakis on Unsplash

Become a Success Magnet in this fast-paced success driven world.

If you are trying to make money or run a business or earn a living in any form or fashion, whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, small business owner, working 9–5, etc., you need to become a hustler or at least think like one.

Because it’s the hustlers who are the ones who survive, thrive and win in the end.

Hustlers are smart and find ways to make things happen.

While the normal thinkers or doers, end up getting no results at all.

Let’s say you’re an Affiliate Marketer, and you’re trying to promote a product, you’ve tried all the methods of organic marketing but you’re not generating any leads and sales…

It’s been months…

You’re at it…tirelessly.

Now 4–5 months have gone by…

Why have you not generated results…?or even earned some money?

You know there’s something wrong…

Something you don’t know..

But you are keeping at it, mindlessly.

What do you do?

Do you still keep at it?

You’ve got bills to pay, make a living, achieve your goals, etc.

Nothing is working..

If one system fails….what do most people do?

They keep pounding and beating at it like a dead-dog.

What’s wrong with this approach?

Here in this case: You are not generating any sales… (No money/income to pay your bills, even support yourself, or earn something to grow/re-invest into your business)

If you beat a dead-dog (keep pounding this business)…..when it’s not working….you’re thinking like a normal business person…

The old ways no longer work.

The old ways got you no results…whatsoever..

Yet you keep pounding at it, hoping something will change or it will click..

That’s called Insanity…

Einstein said…”Insanity is when you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”…

You’re an insane person now.

Next, after 6 months, most people switch over to another business model..

Trying that…

Then if it fails..

They’ll go to another business model..

The key problem here is — Your Thinking.

Your thought process is learnt from others..

It’s a conditioning…it comes from training.

You’ve been trained to repeat or copy something what’s working for others…

But not find a way to achieve your end goal…which is make money at the end of the day/week/month.

Thinking like a normal person (same conditioning) will always result in losses.

Thinking like a hustler…(which involves finding a way to reach your end goal…through exploring all the available options simultaneously) will work.

Now the question most of you reading this will have in your mind is, I don’t have that much time…

Well…let me throw a realistic life scenario in front of you:

  • You are in your office building…
  • Suddenly, The building caught fire..
  • The fire starts spreading and now everyone is panicking…
  • You see that there’s only two ways out…(Through the elevator and through a big glass wall)…
  • But the fire starts spreading closer to the elevator…
  • Now you have to go towards the glass wall and jump to save your life and your colleague’s lives..
  • But there’s a twist, if you dash against the glass wall, you’ll fall from the top of the building (15th floor) and die…(What do you do?)
  • Your mission is to get everyone out of the building before everyone’s set on fire…
  • How do you get everyone out of the building?
  • What will be your strategic plan…? Remember, the fire’s creeping in and covering the whole building…
  • How do you get everyone down?
  • (Comment below and tell me all the ways you’ll solve this problem).

Finding a solution to problems are what hustlers are born-to-do.

Most of you will just give up, quit and die…

You’ll surrender to reason, rationale or even the situation.

Even though the above scenario sounds like Mission Impossible…

What are you thinking about? Solving the problem...correct?

Not turning off your brain like-a-dummy!

Hustlers get their brain thinking and working…because they’ve been in the field and are figuring it out….

Most have learned street smarts…maybe had to fight for their lives…

Had to run…had to hide...had to do something to make some money or else someone will die..

Now the only way you can win in this world is by training yourself to think like a hustler…

You have to put yourself through mental exercises and real-world physical altercations or situations where your brain is challenged to think and find solutions or outcomes that will be beneficial for you.

Doing that will help you turn you into a hustler..

Hustlers find a way to get what they want..

Some do it unethically…while some do it ethically…

But they have got their minds engaged and body actively pursuing that thing they’re after.

Make a list of things you want in life..

Get your mind to think of ways to get that as if you’re in a building that’s on fire and the whole place would be burned to the ground in 3 hours.

This will get you to become successful.

When one thing doesn’t work, next path to the end outcome should get you there….fast and efficiently.

You cannot be waiting 6 months to do it…

You’ll lose in life, business, dating, networking, projects, opportunities, etc.

Hustlers always keep their eyes Open and Alert for whatever is going on and happening in the world…

They’re constantly after a target or running away from one…

Go watch Nikita from the TV Show Nikita…She’s always on the run…

She’s a hustler…

Andrew Tate is also one…He’s a hustler…That’s why he hustled his way form Poverty in Lutton, England to Riches in Romania.

Have a great day!

Would appreciate a Follow and 50 Claps, please!



Jehoyakim Jena

🎓 Master Freelancing, Affiliate Marketing, Amazon KDP, Content Creation, Social Media & A.I. https://jehoyakimjena.gumroad.com/